The Legend of Awesomest Maximus
The Legend of Awesomest Maximus (2011)

The Legend of Awesomest Maximus

(28 မဲများ)




While watching it I was a little put off by the non-historic mix of 300 & Troy - but knowing its N.L.

I personally felt it was hilarious. Due to the bad reviews on here I was worried, but I strongly disagree with those speaking negatively about it.

This is just another example of how NOT to make a parody.

"The Legend of Awesomest Maximus" satirizes several sword and sandal movies; mainly "Gladiator", "300", and "Troy". It does so with quite many sex-related jokes, however without being clichéd or cheap.

Finally a fellow compatriot of mine (I mean Jason Burinescu, a romanian guy) took the romanian humour wright into America. We romanians loves very much homosexual and bitch womens who sold they body on every foreign passport.

This is a stupid film, plain & simple. This film proves a disgrace to the National Lampoon series.

Too many bad films and all the sudden people wouldn't recognise a good comedy if it came around and took a crap on their shoes;The Legend of Awesomest Maximus is really really good. Thats it, end of review.

Well, this had potential, but it failed on an epic level, like oh so many of the previous National Lampoons movies. There haven't been any real noteworthy Lampoon movies since Chevy Chase did the "Vacation" movies, with one exception being perhaps the "Gold Diggers" movie.

I think there are either a lot of depressed people writing reviews or that one guy in the comedy show audience who just refuses to laugh , this is the second or third movie i have watched that had bad reviews on IMDb, that turned out to be really enjoyableI watch a lot of comedy movies and this one -awesomest maximus -- is definitely funnier than most , i put it right up there with meet the spartans . and i haven't reviewed -305- yet but i watched what i could of it and consider this its review 305 is bad,- This movie has Will Sasso- he's funny , period .
